Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A gift bag for a greeting card???

Finally, pictures of my little craft. I made this for a fellow blogger in Holland, Odd & Woolly when we decided to swap. I used wool felt and buttons that have been screaming for a home for at least 2 years or more. It is slightly larger than a standard greeting card. I put a card and some origami paper inside . I may make a few of these at Christmas for teachers gift cards. Any whoo! It's not much but it's a start! PS I apologize to all of you seasoned bloggers who actually know what you are doing. The blue side with the starfish buttons is actually the front.


Self & Co. said...

very cute idea, and nicely done. I love the colors
(a compliment from an-unseasoned blogger)

familyman said...

The colors you use exemplify the fun, energy and excitement of fall. I see your spirit is flying high! This a great time of year! A really great looking craft and I really like it.

Celia said...

Wow, lovely bags! And really great idea!